Thieves! We’ve been quiet for a while, going through a state of contemplation and deliberation. Thanks for bearing with us. As Thieves was initially launched as an attempt to create an in house produced brand, that could afford to offer great products at a very low price. A desire that definitely felt like an attempt to capitalise on the attitudes from what was a disposable culture within fashion and consumption.

From launch, we had embraced eco friendly and ethical print processes, as an attempt to minimise our impact on the environment. However, the choice of aiming to be cheap, meant we had very little room to move on the price of the garment used, and the with that were unable to select garments that represented how we feel about the current state of affairs.

The result of this dilemma, along with the focusing and increasing intensity of the problems we face with climate change, lead to a paralysis, while we got out heads in the right place, and made some big choices about how we go forward, to best communicate our desire to be good to the environment around us.

We’ve made some choices, and we’re confident in making some big changes. A little more expense and more effort, for something of a far higher quality and ethically justifiable. We know this will be entirely worth it.

Watch this space, a change is coming

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